Friday, August 11, 2006

The day of reckoning...yawn...approaches

I had hoped I wouldn't be doing this, but I just can't help myself. The truth must be spoken, and it must be spoken quickly, before we all die...of boredom.

It's been a hard task -- incredible really -- who would have thought it possible? -- but the Islamist hordes have managed to pull it off. Against all odds, these sweetly demented men of bile have somehow contrived to make terrorism boring. Tedious even.

Their madness, mayhem, death and screaming-meenie hatred has become about as electrifying as leftover mashed potatoes. Stunningly predictable. Eye-glazingly trite. Devoid of any entertainment value. So derivative and petty it makes your teeth ache.

Stop me if you've heard this one....

Trains, planes and restaurants. Full of people. Blow them up. Hee hee. Body parts flying. Blood everywhere. Parents crying. Wives widowed. Children orphaned. Panic everywhere. Oh the humanity! Oh the terror! Ain't we something! Yahoo! Look at us -- uber alles!

To me, it looks more like a bunch of scruffy misfits. Bent over their workbenches mixing chemicals. Strutting in front of drooling crowds. Muttering malarky to the press. Huddling in dreary rooms, plotting the mass deaths of people who wouldn't know them from a hole in the fabric of the universe.

Day after day. The same whines. The same self-serving drivel. The same old putrid rants.

Call me reactionary, but I find the whole thing boring and empty and stupid. And I really, really wonder about the people who listen to these bearded bozos.

In any event, I've tired of it. Let's turn the page and get on with real life.


At 6:15 PM , Blogger cutiger95 said...

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At 8:56 PM , Blogger rupert cat said...

You're compost, my friend.


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