Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thanks Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson is a spammer.

In my last post, I told you how a poor baby squirrel had fallen out of the tree in my front yard. I asked for advice on how to save the little critter. Linda suggested he or she should take advantage of a great music swapping site. She gave instructions.

Such is life in the American 21st century.

I'm glad to report that the baby squirrel survived without benefit of Linda's advice. Thanks, Linda. Next time I get an ingrown toenail, I'll know where to go.

Did you notice that Linda and her ilk were out in the thousands a couple of weeks ago, oozing their deaf-mute, self-serving messages all over those poor people begging for help on the U.S. Gulf coast? It was certainly something to see. America in all its glory, naked and splayed for all of us non-mericans to gaze upon and wonder at.

Shock and awe, baby. Shock and awe.

Anyhow, my little squirrel survived without need of Linda's macabre American perkiness.

What in hell do they teach their children in school?

Linda Johnson. Good one.


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