Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Self-righteousness of Garbage

My local municipality is getting into garbage recycling in a big way.

After months of preparation -- or preconditioning as we call it in the public manipulation business -- they sent around our new green bins. Whoopee!

The green bins, I find, take little more than I usually throw into my backyard composter. A few chicken bones maybe, and some soiled paper products. But otherwise it's the same stuff I put in the big black recepticle behind the potato patch. I compost food and garden waste because I want the humus, not because I'm some kind of morally superior being. There's no way I'm giving my good stuff to the town.

Imagine my disappointment, then, when I received my green bin kit. All this build up about these great new green bins, all for nothing. Now I'm stuck with a couple of plastic recepticles I don't need and a one-inch-thick pile of documents extolling the virtues of recycling.

At the end of the day, all I get out of this over-hyped exercise is half my usual garbage collection. Because, in conjunction with the green bin foofarah, my town has cut real garbage collection down to once every two weeks to encourage us to compost. Instead of four bags a week, which I never use anyway, I can now put out four bags every two weeks. If I go over that limit, I can buy (surprise, surprise -- there's a price attached to these changes!) garbage tags at a very reasonable price.

So...I've got useless bins that I've got to store someplace, reduced services and new charges for services that used to be free. Did I mention that my taxes went up some godawful percentage again this year...yet another godawful increase in a string that goes on and on and on?

There's a survey that goes with the green-bin handouts, too, asking me what I think should be the future of garbage disposal in my prissy little burg. about you pick up the garbage on time and take it away? And how about you stop bugging me about garbage -- telling me what to put out, how to arrange it, when to put it out and how to process it so that your lazy supplier will lower himself to actually pick it up?

Bad enough that we have to put up this thinly disguised money-grab, but must we also listen to the cheek-puffing moralistic jive that comes with it? To hear them tell it, town fathers have embarked on a crusade to save the world from the evils of indiscriminate garbage disposal. Actually, they've embarked on a crusade to raise revenue, cut costs, reduce service and avoid dealing with any real problems that might cost them votes. Plus ca change, eh?

Municipalities have very few jobs to do, and garbage collection is one of them. So why in God's name do they insist in making such a big freaking deal out of it?

The answer is that garbage has become a big problem because a) it costs money to get rid of it and b) no one can figure out how to impose a new landfill site or incinerator on an unwilling neighbourhood.

Politicians have learned to deflect the problem by simply making e a big moral issue out of it. Garbage is BAD. BAD people make garbage. BAD people should be punished. They guilt honest taxpayers into spending hours processing their own garbage, and they charge taxpayers for the privilege of doing so. As a side benefit, politicians and officals also avoid the cost and effort of finding ways to dispose of garbage.


Well, I'm sick of it. I have too few free hours in the day as it is and I don't want to spend them washing cans and cutting up cardboard boxes. I dislike town councillors who think they can dictate how and when I should set out my garbage, in what quantity and in which containers. I detest the officious, obnoxious tone in their voices, and their Maoist attitude to the whole garbage issue.

For heaven's sake! This is a town. It's not the Queen of England. I pay this town good bucks to deliver a few critical services and I damn well expect to get those services. I don't expect to get haranged and insulted and treated like the second cousin of trailer trash.

So, folks, stop bugging me with your green bins and your garbage tags. Give me something I need. Something that meets my needs instead of yours and actually makes my life better. Or build an incinerator, burn the damn garbage and shut up about it. Do your job. Enough, already.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wake-up Call to What?

What can you say about Islamist terrorist groups?

Canadian security has arrested 17 people who, they say, were planning to blow up some stuff in Toronto and, maybe, do some harm to prominent figures. It's unnerving in a way, but not very surprising. Most Canadians have been expecting something along these lines for a few years.

The reactions of the chattering class are worthy of note.

Of course, you have your Islamic apologists.

Professional Muslims are predictably lecturing us on the need to be fair and re-re-re-itering about the beauty of Islam and you can't tar...blah, blah, blah...racist Canadians trying to...blah, blah, can you charge these people simply because they are devote Muslims and it will unleash yet another racism, discrimination, bias, shallow, not-understanding, stupid non-muslim reaction...blah, blah.

They can be dismissed as people who are lost in their own angst.

And then we have the usual rightwinger suspects with their usual screed about wake up calls, and this shows that Canada is not immune to international blah, blah, blah.

The professional Muslims we can take or leave. Most of us can recite their exposition by heart. Yes, yes. Nicely put. Please take a seat.

But the wake-up-callers are of particular interest. They keep flinging out this cliche. It's a wake-up call. A wake-up call. What the hell are they talking about?

It's time they were called on it.

A wake-up call. As in...a plot to blow up a bunch of places in downtown Toronto is a wake-up call.

Okay. I'm awake. What do I do now?

What precisely do you want me to do?

When you say, Oh, that's a wake-up call, do you actually expect me to rouse myself from my presumed slumber to actually, like, do something? And what pray tell would that be?

Should I now wake up enough to run up and down my street attacking people who look Muslim? Is that what you're saying? Should I throw over-ripe tomatoes at the lads from the Durham Islamic Centre? Is that what you're proposing?

Come out and say it, dervish. Wake-up call, indeed.

Wake up and what?

Smell the coffee?

Attack the Muslims?

Bomb the suk?

Wake up how, exactly?

What are you trying to say?

Fact is, nobody needs waking up and nobody needs your coded call to arms.

Wake-up call, indeed!