Saturday, March 08, 2008

What a piece of work are Obama supporters

Barack Obama may be a nice guy with a hopeful message. But his supporters sure are a piece of work, aren't they?

I knew there was something about the candidate that disturbed me, but I couldn't put my finger on it until I started reading the pro-Obama (or rabidly anti-Hillary) comments on a New York Times site the other day. The comments were attached to an op-ed piece discussing Samantha Power's "Hillary is a monster" remark to The Scotsman. Actually the writer was using the monster incident as a launching pad to reiterate what a low-life Hillary is for angering Obama supporters by suggesting Obama might be a bit of a hypocrite about NAFTA.

Here's the comment that really opened my eyes:

"The way politics is played offends me as a voter. The Clinton’s are saying that perhaps those who voted for Obama are having buyers remorse and somehow Obama put a spell over us.I find it amusing that her voters are blue collar and women over 60,and Obama’s are young and educated.Hello! The future belongs to Obama’s voters! If Obama has more earned delegates and the popular vote and its taken from him behind closed doors and arm twisting,I assure you the people backing him will be outraged! There goes the hope and inspiration of our nation! This would a travesty!"

Yikes! Can we get more ageist and elitist, folks? Not to mention misogynistic. And it's pretty characteristic of the nastiness you get from a lot of Obama's youthful supporters.

Bring on the ice floes for the women over 60! And let's have a few more work houses for those rude, crude working people who don't know how to kiss the boots of their betters! How dare Hillary, that uppidy old woman, stand in the way of history!

They're young, beautiful and exquisitely educated, are they? Well, dress them in leather and give a straight-arm salute.

Obama may be okay. I really don't know. But the surly young bullies buzzing around him give me the willies.


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