Tuesday, July 03, 2007

There is Hope for Canada

There is hope for Canada.

At least, on the world's sports stage. At least, on one very important corner of the world's sports stage.

I'm talking soccer, the beautiful game, in which we have always been on the outside looking in, with out envious noses pressed against the glass. Well, folks, the times they be a-changing, and our time might be upon us. Our salvation could come from an unlikely, but when you think of it, wholly predictable source.

Seems there's an Aboriginal community, the Sechelt First Nation, on the coast of British Columbia, with an unusual enthusiasm for soccer. And, according to Chief Stan Dixon, the band is "very successful" in soccer. The 700 people who live on the reserve have produced seven teams with players who do very well, says the chief.

This delightful Canadian resource only came to light because a celebrating team of 13 year olds ran into trouble with a few newby RCMP officers. The come-from-away officers apparently ended up macing the youngsters and their coaches because they didn't understand the band's rituals for celebrating their frequent soccer victories.

Never mind! It will all be worked out.

In the meantime, let us rejoice. We've been waiting a long time for Canada's first peoples to find their footing. Now they're finally starting to put it together in sports. And in soccer, thank goodness, where we really need their physical prowess and mental stamina to take us to the next level of international play. Let's face it. More and more of us live in urban comfort. Our urban children are not the tough, resourceful, uncomplaining children we remember from the past. They have a lot of other fish to fry; and many more fries to fish.

But the peoples of the First Nations! Ah! A different story entirely. If the Sechelt are coming forward, can a Maradona or a Pele be far behind?

Wait and watch.


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