Sunday, October 30, 2005

Time passes

Ah, me. Time passes, and no one hears.

I wonder if other bloggers feel this pain.

I write novels no one reads; pen blogs no one looks at.

So much of my time on this earth is, and has been, absorbed by what must be accounted as useless endeavour.

Do I waste my life?

Has my time here been without significance?

What is happening here? How can I understand the dynamic?

Is there anybody out there?

Or am I, at last, reduced to Descartes' formula. I think, therefore I am. But I have no idea about you.

Did I make you up? Is this discourse in an echo chamber? Did you all die several light years ago? Am I alone in this universe?

Fall is such a difficult season for cats, isn't it? Too much rain, too much gloomy weather and too few mice.

Ah, me.


At 3:54 AM , Blogger Mark said...

You aren't alone Rupert. My two cats Simon and Sebastian are faithful readers.

They've tried posting replies, but unlike you, are quite agile enough with they keyboard to provide much.

Here the their last message:
asdf8we 32 xxznvwp;;-`=
aasdf0023jhlkj [page down]

Perhaps you can make sense of it. After all you must speak "cat-tonese".

At 7:24 PM , Blogger rupert cat said...

Simon, Sebastian - Good to hear from you. I agree entirely with your sentiment.


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