Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Politics has become truly boring

Boy. I never thought I'd say this, but I've become profounding bored with politics.

Left...right...centre. They really are all the same. Talking head after talking head, all parotting messages that were written in cubicles by young people who all went to the same school.

You can almost see them scanning the polls, tweaking their positions to fit the party line and spinning out sound bites that will give them a bit of a smart-aleck one-up on the guys on the other side of the legislative chamber.

It's all niche marketing schlock.

Wedge issues, audience fragmentation, focus groups and Boston Group matrices for analyzing the potential reaction of the same old stakeholders. Here's a news flash, folks. Those same old stakeholders will react the same old way they have reacted to every issue for the past decade. They will push their tired old agendas.

And everyone uses the same hacknied language.

For instance, have you noticed that governments don't talk to Canadians or Ontarians or citizens anymore? Everything is aimed at hard-working families. Right, left and centre, those warm, cozy families are everywhere. I guess if you don't define yourself -- every minute of every day -- as part of a family, you're just out of luck aren't you? You don't belong in any party's target audience.

Not to obsess about it, but it seems so...well...tribal and regressive. And there's something Trumanesque about it. Kind of like a looping TV car ad, with statistically average families romping about their SUVs under the blue suburban skies. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive, but isn't there also a whiff of the old patriarchial father-knows-best jive underlying this chatter about hard-working families?

Leaving me to ask, Where did all the adult voters go?

Anyhow, politics has become puerile, over-controlled, uninspired and feckless -- a strange brew of talk radio, the Home Shopping Network and a 1950s sitcom.

Very boring. Yet disturbingly so.

It makes me itch.


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