Saturday, February 04, 2006

Enough Already

Wow! It's a tough slog trying to have deep thoughts these days.

I don't know about you folks, but I'm finding the world rather underwhelming and boring. Same old, same old just about everywhere you look. Sports? Politics? The news? Nothing but disappointment, reruns and crazy behaviour by really odd people. What's a young cat to do for fun and excitement? Does anyone out there have anything interesting and fresh to say about anything?


Oh, well.

In a negative vein then, here's a few things I don't want to hear any more about for a while:

  • The Middle East, including Palestine and its residents, Israel, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Enough already. You have occupied the centre of the news universe for far too long.
  • Various ethnic groups and their longstanding grievances against all and sundry. The Middle Ages were tough on all of us. Get over it.
  • Toronto's economic woes. Spring must be coming...Toronto is facing yet another fiscal crisis and must be bailed out immediately by senior governments. Guess that's what happens when you don't raise property taxes for years, but you keep adding top-drawer services that other municipalities only dream about. Ya kinda run a deficit.
  • Education. Yes, yes. Blah, blah.
  • Health care. One of the healthiest populations the world has ever seen is obsessed with illness, disease, waiting lists and grumpy doctors. What's that about?
  • Hard-working families. Is this political code for a new kind of tribal unit or something? Can we give it a rest and speak to people as individual adults who have value in themselves?
  • More negative bilge from Toronto's inept sports reporters. These guys report on sports as if they were working the floor at the TSX. Trade this; trade that. I hate to admit it, but Boomer was bang on. Every once in a while, can we talk about the game, guys?
I was going comment on the current controversy over Danish cartoons and the world of Islam, but I thought better of it. Not to suggest there's any intimidation or bullying out there, but I'm just not up for death threats and hate mail right now. So those who are out trolling for targets can take their putrid bag of "justice, brotherhood and love" somewhere else.

Have a good day!


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